A 13-post collection

A First Look at Installing ASP.NET 5, Part 3: Ubuntu Linux

This is the final part of a 3 part series exploring ASP.NET 5 running on Windows, Mac OSX and Linux. Overall I found getting ASP.NET 5 to  run on Ubuntu to be quicker and easier than doing so for OS X. It might not have been easier than »

A First Look at Installing ASP.NET 5, Part 2: OS X

This is part 2 of a 3 part series exploring ASP.NET 5 running on Windows, Mac OSX and Linux. Having tested ASP.NET 5 via Visual Studio and a command line on Windows in our last post, it was time to give it a try on OS X. I »

A First Look at Installing ASP.NET 5, Part 1: Windows

This is part 1 of a 3 part series exploring ASP.NET 5 running on Windows, Mac OSX and Linux. By now, .NET developers who don’t live in caves are aware that the newest version of ASP.NET, in addition to being open source and in general very different »

.NET Technical Guide: AutoFac

Introduction What is AutoFac? The principle of Dependency Inversion states that you should rely on abstractions instead of concretions. It leads to code that is more scalable, testable, and maintainable because it allows us to quickly and easily swap out implementations (examples of this concept are in the following sections) »

BUILD 2015 Keynote Live Blog

Highlights and key takeaways from Microsoft BUILD 2015 Keynote. Read the live blog. Live Blog /**/ **14.34** ​#bldwin #Build2015 that’s a warp with some orchestral music. Thanks @duluca @sahllt @wynv **14.27** Holographic pathfinding ![IMG_20150429_112641566](http://i0.wp.com/www.techtalkdc.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/IMG_ »

.NET Technical Guide: Reflection

Reflection is an API that allows its user to view and access all properties, fields, constructors, methods, and metadata for any class supplied to it at runtime (as opposed to compile time).  Among other things, Reflection also allows its consumer to call these methods as well as get or set »

.NET Technical Guide: SignalR

SignalR is a library for ASP.NET and JavaScript that enables real-time communication between server and one or more clients, allowing web applications to behave more like desktop applications. While relatively new, SignalR is rapidly gaining adoption due to its ease of use and cross-browser compatibility. Microsoft recognizes the game-changing »

.NET Technical Guide: AutoMapper

This Technology Guide was created to help people that are just beginning to learn AutoMapper. This is the first in a series of Technology Guides covering useful technologies. If you find it useful or have any feedback, please reply in the comments! What Is AutoMapper? With the advent of layered »

Going to Build 2015

Just got registered for Build 2015. I’ll be live blogging the Day 1 and Day 2 keynotes here on Tech Talk DC with my takeaways.  Here is what I covered last year. Looking forward to learning more about ASP.NET vNext, .NET/C# vNext, Windows 10, Microsoft’s JavaScript »

Modernize with .NET Part 2 Published

The second article in my Modernize with .NET series got published on DevPro. In this article I talk about how to enable your architecture to evolve with new technologies, while keeping your existing code working, Check it out: http://devproconnections.com/net-framework/modernize-your-net-software-development-environment-part-2 »

Build 2014 Day 2 Keynote Live Blog

Ready for Day 2 of Build. Looking forward hearing more about Azure and C#. /**/ **14.34** ​#bldwin #Build2015 that’s a warp with some orchestral music. Thanks @duluca @sahllt @wynv **14.27** Holographic pathfinding ![IMG_20150429_112641566](http://i0.wp.com/www.techtalkdc.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/IMG_20150429_ »