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Doguhan Uluca

Washington, DC 37 posts

Doguhan Uluca is a Software Development Xpert at Excella. Founder of Tech Talk DC and the DC Full-Stack Web Summit. Author Angular 6 for Enterprise-Ready Web Applications. Speaker at ng-conf and more.

A Brief History of Web Apps: Backbone vs Angular vs Polymer

Kevin Groat has given a talk about Web App Frameworks to Excellians as a primer to Steve Alber’s talk on Web Components and Polymer at the Tech Talk DC meetup. The presentation is attached after the break. A write up of his talk to follow. »

First ever Tech Talk DC Meetup: Learn about Web Components & Polymer

The first ever Tech Talk DC meetup is happening on Feb 18th at Excella Consulting offices in Arlington, VA. We love polyglots, people who care about craftsmanship and best practices. Come join us and let’s learn to use tools that are fit for their purpose; let’s scrutinize the »

Going to Build 2015

Just got registered for Build 2015. I’ll be live blogging the Day 1 and Day 2 keynotes here on Tech Talk DC with my takeaways.  Here is what I covered last year. Looking forward to learning more about ASP.NET vNext, .NET/C# vNext, Windows 10, Microsoft’s JavaScript »

Thanks for a Great 2014

Tech Talk DC wrapped up its first year with a bang. Things got kicked off with Build 2014 back in April. JavaScript Unit Testing kept visitors coming back and A Hapi LEBRON along with other JavaScript focused articles, the stage is set for 2015. When all was said and then »

A Better Way to Node and Angular: Hapi LEBRON

I’ve started learning Node attempting to utilize the MEAN stack, which utilizes MongoDB, Express, Angular and (gasp) Node. I’ve found the barrier of entry to be way to high. Express is too low level of a framework, MongoDB requires me to install a database service. At NodeConf 2014, »

Trouble with REST Across Systems: Is There a Better Way?

I’ve been writing about the benefits of moving to a RESTful architecture for awhile. REST stands for Representational State Transfer and most, if not all, web enabled applications are built on it. This kind of standardized communications stack has a lot of benefits. It reduces the friction of using »

Great deal on Node.js E-book

Recently I’ve blogged about Node.JS learning resources and I’ve focused on picking tutorials where you can learn as you go and be exposed to the full stack implementation at the same time. If you’ve been exposed to RESTful services, JavaScript, Single Page Applications (SPA) and No-SQL »

IE Gets on With The Program, Releases Dev Channel

Web developers, rejoice! As of today Internet Explorer has a shiny new Developer Channel. This might just be the catalyst for developers around the DC metro area to get excited about IE again. At a whopping 146 MB download, the developer channel allows Windows 7 and 8.1 users to »

Learn Node.JS and MEAN Basics Fast

It’s difficult find a good set of resources to start leaning Node.JS. Below is a collection of resources that should lend themselves to different types of learning. Whether you like to read a lot before coding, or you like to start running code as you learn. Why Node. »